May 6 - 8, 2022
The Midwest Mother’s Day Classic consistently attracts over 425 teams including competition from 7 states every year. The Midwest Mother’s Day Classic offers up to six levels of play ensuring that every team finds itself matched against similar competition. In addition to providing excellent competition, this tournament is formatted to be particularly family friendly.
Registration Deadline:
April 4, 2022
May 27 - 29, 2022
Kansas City Invitational is the single largest soccer tournament in Kansas City and consistently sells out. This tournament offers four different levels of competition: Gold, Silver, Bronze and Recreational. Teams have traveled from 14 different states to play in the Kansas City Invitational. Appropriate seeding of teams ensures that everyone can compete against opponents of their own ability level.
Registration Deadline:
April 18, 2022
Heartland Soccer Association
Celebrates 45 Years of Soccer!
9161 W 133rd Street, Overland Park, KS 66213
Phone: 913-888-8768
Heartland Soccer Association is recognized as one of the largest soccer leagues and tournament hosts in the country. We offer recreational to premier divisions, ages U8 through U19.
With college athletes now able to monetize their name, image, and likeness (NIL), athletes around the country are earning money from all kinds of businesses. What do these NIL changes mean for athletes at the high school level?
This Month in History: March
This Month in History: March
On 21 March 1992, Chelsea midfielder Vinnie Jones set an English football record by getting a yellow card after only three seconds against Sheffield United.
Jones had previously established a reputation for aggressive play and a casual attitude toward the rules of the game, most notably during a three-year spell with Wimbledon's FA Cup-winning "Crazy Gang."
This month is Women's History month, and this year’s theme is #BreakTheBias. It is a perfect occasion to celebrate the girls and women that make up Heartland Soccer.
Heartland Soccer Association believes it is critical that girls and women continue breaking the bias, both on the playing field and off of it. Absolutely no girl should grow up thinking she can’t do something based on her gender, she should feel inspired and empowered to be the best version of herself and Heartland Soccer is there to support her fully. To all the coaches, players and staff, shine on!
How Can a Concussion Affect Me at School?
Recovering from a concussion can mean being sidelined during sports. It can also affect a student's school performance because it's a type of brain injury.
All injured body parts take time to heal, even brains. After a concussion, your child needs physical and mental rest. Doing schoolwork and being in a classroom can make the symptoms of a concussion worse. This means the brain takes longer to heal, so a child might not do as well on tests or be able to return to sports as fast as he or she would like.
These are all reasons why you'll want your child to follow your doctor's instructions about what to do — and what not to do — while they recover. If your child’s treatment is to stay home and rest, do it. Having a concussion can affect a child at school in a number of ways:
• More tired than usual.
• Feel irritable, sad, or emotional.
• Trouble concentrating, thinking, or making decisions.
• Dizzy spells or headaches.
• Difficulty with coordination and balance.
• Trouble learning new concepts or remembering what you've learned.
All of these concussion symptoms can make it hard to do the things you need to do at school, like reading, writing, focusing, and even walking around campus.
Many teens who get concussions usually recover within 1-2 weeks, but others may take longer. But what if you have an important test or essay during that time?
Explaining the injury to teachers
Most teachers know about the healing process and will understand a student’s treatment plan. If your young athlete is diagnosed with a concussion and has been cleared by a doctor to go to school, tell the teachers about the injury. That way they'll understand any difficulties your child might have in the classroom. Sometimes we recommend that the student has a light workload or reschedule tests.
Remind your student to tell his or her teacher if they experience any concussion symptoms at school, like headaches or dizzy spells. You also should let the school nurse and administrators know about your concussion in case your symptoms get worse or your child needs to go home.
The main thing is to avoid another head injury. Another head injury when you already have a concussion can lead to a condition called second-impact syndrome. Although very rare, second impact syndrome can cause lasting brain damage and even death. So you'll want to avoid sports or rough play on the school grounds or in gym class.
To help your student focus better and keep any problems under control while at school, try these tips:
•Sit where she can focus. Choose a desk near the front of the classroom or in a spot where there is less distraction.
•Write down everything he needs to remember. Since his memory may not be back to normal, avoid stress by writing down homework assignments or things he needs to do.
•Ask if you can record the lesson. If your child has trouble listening and writing notes at the same time, find out if she can record what the teacher says with a phone or a voice recorder.
•If he starts noticing symptoms, like a headache or sensitivity to light, have him take a break before they have a chance to get worse. Go to the school nurse and find a quiet place to lie down and give your brain a rest.
•Ease back into things. Start off by doing one thing at a time and limiting her workload. Then gradually start doing more and being more active as she gets better.
HCA Midwest Health is the official healthcare provider for Heartland Soccer Association and we work with parents and coaches to keep athletes safe and on the field of play year round, learn more about our services at www.hcamidwest.com
We would like to have each team have at least 2 or 3 certified referees this Spring season to help with the ref shortages!
There are approximately 400 - 800 games a weekend held at
4 - 6 locations so you can choose the day, times and number of games you can work, some referees earn $400 a weekend working multiple games!
Click where it says “Entry Level Referee Classes”, it does not look like it is a link, but it does link you to the site where you sign up for the classes.
Classes are at the SCHEELS Overland Park Soccer Complex at the following dates and times:
February 5th – 8am – 12pm – 13 years old and older
February 6th – 8am – 12pm – 13 years old and older
February 12th 8am – 12pm – 13 years old and older
February 13th – 8am – 4pm – 12 years old and under
All questions regarding these classes please email:
Christine Kramer
Referee Corner
Understanding Law 16… The Goal kick
As the season progresses, we will respond to questions/incidents that we see at the complexes to grow our understanding of the application of the Laws of the Game.
Based on comments from the Border Battle, we will start this season’s review with a review of Law 16, the Goal Kick.
Here are the details surrounding the interpretation by the young Referee.
•The match was a U-9 pool game. The winner would go through to the finals
•The score was 2-1 late in the second half
•The white team was attacking. They took a shot on goal which went wide. The restart was a Goal Kick.
•The red goalkeeper spotted the ball on the 6-yard box line, and then kicked it.
•A white player received the ball in the Penalty Area, took a shot and scored.
•The score was now 2-2. This was the final score and the white team advanced to the finals.
The coaches both had comments for the Referee team.
•The coach of the red team wondered how this could be a legal goal since the ball was played by the attacker inside the Penalty Area.
•The coach of the white team claimed that the Referee made a correct call and demanded that he stand behind his call.
•The questions caused the Referee to go to his Assistant (who was in her first match ever). What question should the Referee ask the Assistant Referee? What does Law 16 say about a goal kick? Was the ensuing goal legal or not?
Law 16 outlines the procedures for a legally taken goal kick as follows:
•The ball must be positioned anywhere on the 6-yard line or inside the area.
•All the attacking players must be outside the Penalty Area and 10 yards away from ball when the defender puts the ball into play.
1)The ball is in play when it is “kicked and clearly moves”
•It does not have to leave the Penalty Area
•It does not have to move a specified distance. It is in play when, according to the Referee, it clearly moved.
2) Can the attacking team come into the Penalty Area to receive and play the ball?
•This is not disallowed in the Law, so the attacking team can enter the Penalty Area to play the ball after it has been put into play by the defender (i.e., kicked and clearly moved).
•What does the Law say if the attacker was in the Penalty Area when the ball was put into play? In this case, the Law specifies that the Goal Kick will be retaken.
In this incident the Referee team agreed that the attacking players were outside the Penalty Area when the goalkeeper kicked and moved the ball. This means that according to the Law, the restart was correct, and the goal was legal.
The Referee team understood Law 16. They were able to explain their decision to the coaches. This is how soccer should be played at Heartland. If you have a question, bring it to the attention of the Referee. If they know the Law, accept their decision. If they got it wrong the coach, not the parents, should report it so that we can meet with the officials and educate them on the correct application of the Law.
What if the attackers had been in the Penalty Area before the ball was in play? If the Referee team agrees that this was the case, you have grounds to protest the decision because they failed to apply the Law correctly. Remember, this only applies to material facts (was the attacker inside the Penalty Area, for example when the ball was put into play). Protests on judgement calls (the Referee said the attackers were outside, and you disagree) are not allowed.
We were impressed with the efforts of many of our young officials this past weekend. We were also impressed with the behavior of the sidelines and coaches. This is a great start for the Spring season. Thank you.
The Referee Blog
It is March and Heartland Soccer is kicking off. How are we doing on the Referee front?
Another Spring season is starting at Heartland. Teams from around the region have signed up for the league (Arkansas, Omaha, Columbia, Springfield, Wichita, Topeka, and multiple locations in Kansas City). These teams come to Heartland because of the competition and because of the world-class facilities. They have the expectation of effective officiating with fully staffed crews.
We have been sharing our progress in Kansas in certifying/recertifying Referees for 2022. Many of you have heard there is a problem with Referee numbers across the country. Kansas is also experiencing this problem.
As we shared last month, this means you will have younger and less experienced officials at many of your matches. The Kansas State Youth Soccer Association has renewed their support of the Referee Coaching/Mentoring program to help your officials become more effective faster – look for the mentors at your matches.
We also continue to offer Entry Level Clinics to offset the problem. Here is the schedule of clinics that have been posted:
If you are a fan: Support your team and please support the Referee team. Retention is needed for us to build the numbers back. If you have concerns about decisions, share your concerns with your coach. We are looking for them to be the conduit to the Referee administration team.
If you are a coach: When you or your parents have concerns, please report them to the Field Marshal or the Assignors at the location or complete a Referee evaluation. This information will be shared with the Mentors, and we can meet with the Referees to build their skills. Trying to influence a Referee to change their calls seldom works and the longer-term impact will continue to be a Referee shortage.
Welcome back to the fields for Spring 2022. Your Referees are as excited as you. Let’s continue to grow a soccer community that is focused on building to be better… better players, better Referees and more fun for the fans. Thank you.
Heartland Referee Meetings
Referees of all ages and experience levels are encouraged to attend Heartland's monthly referee meetings! Join us to learn tips and tricks for ARs and Referees, fun games, vital information, and fabulous prizes! Parents are always welcome.
Get certified to be a referee!
As our local soccer community grows, the need for new and experienced referees continues. Join America's Largest Soccer League. More details on referee meeting schedules, training and education can be found on the
When did you start reffing?
I started reffing in 2017 when I was about 12 years old
What made you decide to get certified to referee?
I was playing soccer at the time and loved the game and thought being a ref would be fun
What is your favorite part about reffing?
I would probably say all the people I have met.
What is a life lesson you feel you have learned from reffing?
I feel like I have learned how to communicate and I am able to talk to all kinds of people.
When did you start reffing futsal?
I believe I started in 2020.
Do you play soccer?
I played soccer for about 10 years when I was younger but quit as I got older.
Do you participate in any sports/activities/clubs/ youth groups/ community service?
I run Cross Country and track and I am involved with Special Olympics
When I can I will also go and teach swim lessons or babysit in other free time.
What was the last book you read?
I am honestly not much of a book reader but I love almost all and any kind of movie.
2022 Spring State Tournaments Registration Open!
The Spring 2022 Kansas State Cup, Presidents Cup and Junior State Cup will be divided into separate events this Spring season. The registration dates and deadlines for each event will be different so all teams interested should be check each events website for more details.
2022 Kansas State Cup
Age Divisions:
Boys 13U - 19U
& Girls 13U - 14U
Group Play Game 1:
May 12th & 13th, 2022
Group Play Game 2:
May 19th & 20th, 2022
Group Play Game 3:
June 2nd & 3rd, 2022
Semi-Finals & Finals Weekend: June 5th & 6th, 2022
Garmin Olathe Soccer Complex
10529 South Warwick St Olathe, KS 66061
2022 Kansas
Presidents Cup
Age Divisions:
Boys 13U - 19U
& Girls 13U - 14U
Dates: May 4th - 8th, 2022
Stryker Sports Complex
2999 N Greenwich Rd. Wichita, KS 67226
Presidents Cup Website:
2022 Kansas Junior
State Cup
Age Divisions:
Boys & Girls 11U - 12U
Dates: April 22 - 24th, 2022
Stryker Sports Complex
2999 N Greenwich Rd. Wichita, KS 67226
Jr. State Cup Website:
Become a Soccer Referee! Give back to the Soccer Community!
Do you enjoy exercise & fitness? Do you enjoy making your own schedule? Are you interested in making some extra money during your soccer weekends? Are you someone wanting to give back to your soccer community?
Become a Soccer Referee! Our soccer community is in search of more Referees so our players can play the beautiful game. No referees, then it's practice!
Click the below link 👇🏽 and follow the specific instruction to register for an Entry Level Referee Clinic.
Join the Referee Team this Spring soccer season and be apart of the Beautiful Game!
All currently certified referees from 2021 looking to certify for 2022 the process is all done ONLINE so visit the Kansas Referee website to get Re-Certified!
Kansas Youth Soccer Partners with Fearless & Capable!
Olathe, KS , January 14, 2022 – We are proud to announce that Kansas State Youth Soccer Association (KSYSA) has partnered with Fearless & Capable as its newest organization partner. The partnership between Fearless & Capable and Kansas Youth Soccer will focus on supporting female coaches, referees, and administrators across the state by providing the opportunity for meaningful mentorship from women across the country to the females working in Kansas.
Female coaches, referees and administrators will be able to join the growing Fearless & Capable membership program, and explore one-on-one mentoring sessions with a trained mentor to grow their skill sets in a holistic and supportive environment.
Register Today for US Soccer Grassroots D License this Spring!
Registration Deadline is March 16th, 2022!
US Soccer Grassroots D License
Virtual Meeting: March 21st
In-Person Weekend #1: April 29th - May 1st
In-Person Weekend #2: June 10-12th
Compass Minerals National Performance Center
1913 Pinnacle Way
Kansas City, KS 66111
The Grassroots D Course is held over two weekends this fall for coaches that meet the prerequisites of US Soccer. The focus of this course is to facilitate the improvement of the candidates in the Six Tasks of a Coach across all four game models (4v4, 7v7, 9v9, 11v11) with a particular emphasis on Coaching Training Sessions.
To see what coaching courses are coming up please CLICK HERE.
Questions on Coaching Education please contact Kansas Youth Soccer Director of Coaching Paul Fabry via email at pfabry@kansasyouthsoccer.org.
AB May
Academy Sports and Outdoors
AC Print
Barley's Kitchen and Tap
BFAME KC Entertainment
Capelli Sport
City Thrift
Commercial Capital
Dick's Sporting Goods
Drs. Hawks, Besler, Rogers & Stoppel
Discount Tire
Easton Roofing
Fajita Pete's
Hasty Awards
HCA Midwest Health
Jersey Boyz Deli & Subs
Jimmy John's
KC Current
Kansas City Comets
K.C. Hopps
Krusich Dental
Land of Paws
Levine Advertising
Menorah Medical Center
Molle Toyota
Momo Bands
Museum at Prairiefire
Orange Leaf Frozen Yogurt
Overland Park Regional Medical Center
Papa John's
Pittcraft Printing
Raising Cane's
Rob Ellerman and
Reece Nichols Real Estate
Research Medical Center
Salty Iguana
Security Bank
Slim Chickens
Soccer Master
Sporting Kansas City
Sporting Kansas City II
Starting Point Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics
State Farm-Harlan Parker
Taco Bell
The Merchant Fitness
The Rub Bar-B-Que
The Sheridan at Overland Park
Trace (Alpine Replay, Inc.)
Tropical Smoothie Cafe
TW Sportswear + Print, Ship & Signs
Urban Air
Heartland Soccer Association is seeking action photo shots of kids of all ages and abilities playing soccer in Heartland League Games or Tournaments. Submitted photos may be included in Heartland Tournament, League and other promotional materials as well as social media posts.
Instructions for submitting photos:
All submitted photo files must be .jpg format, must be a minimum of 1,200 x 1,600 pixels, and no larger than 2 MB in size. Submitting a photo doesn't guarantee that it will be used.
By submitting a photo for consideration for use in Heartland Soccer Association promotional materials, you agree that:
1. You are the sole author of the photograph and control all rights for its use. The photograph is original. You have the rights to grant usage of the photograph as stated below. There has been no prior sale, publication or transfer of rights to the photograph. The photograph shall not contain any libelous or scandalous matter. To the best of your knowledge, the photograph's creation, publication and use shall not infringe any copyright, right of privacy or right of publicity, or infringe or violate any right of any third party.
2. You grant to Heartland Soccer Association all rights to use the photograph in any and all forms of media, including but not limited to electronic, digital media and print.
3. You allow Heartland Soccer Association the right to edit, revise, adapt and crop the photo as necessary.
Sign the petition and show the world that Kansas City deserves to be a host city for the WORLD CUP!!!
Sign the Petition
Kansas City - In The Heart of It All
#KC2026 #United2026