Heartland Winter League Registration is Now Open
Registration Closes at
November 17th!
Heartland Spring 2022 League Registration is Now Open
Registration Closes at
Noon on January 3rd!
Upcoming Events
Nov 1 Spring 2022 League Registration Opens
Nov 5-7 Heartland Invitational Girls
Nov 12-14 Heartland Invitational Boys
Dec 3-6 Dick’s Sporting Goods Discount Weekend
Jan 3 Spring 2022 online registration deadline by noon on January 3
Feb 11-14 Dick’s Sporting Goods Discount Weekend
Feb 16 Spring 2022 schedule posted after 5pm
Feb 18-20 Academy Sports + Outdoors Shop Event
Feb 25-27 Border Battle Tournament / First weekend of League play
Mar 4-6 Midwest College Showcase / League play
Mar 11-13 League play
Mar 18-20 Heartland Spring Cup / League Play
Mar 25-27 League Play
Apr 1-3 League Play
Apr 8-10 Kansas City Champions Cup / League Play
Apr 8-11 Dick’s Sporting Goods Discount Weekend
Apr 15-16 League Play
Apr 17 Easter No Games
Apr 22-24 League Play
Apr 29-May 1 League Play
May 6-8 Midwest Mother’s Day Classic / League Play
May 13-15 League Play
May 20-22 Rainout Weekend
May 27-29 Kansas City Invitational Tournament
June 18 Kansas City 3v3 Challenge
Heartland Soccer Association
Celebrates 40 Years of Soccer!
9161 W 133rd Street, Overland Park, KS 66213
Phone: 913-888-8768
Heartland Soccer Association is recognized as one of the largest soccer leagues and tournament hosts in the country. We offer recreational to premier divisions, ages U8 through U19.
- Thank you to the coaches for your tireless effort to inspire and motivate these young athletes.
- Thank you to the parents for your relentless motivation and guidance of your children on and off the pitch.
- Thank you to the referees for your passion and commitment to the game.
- Thank you to the volunteers for your time and generosity.
- Thank you to our Sponsors for your loyalty and support. We couldn't do it without you!
- Thank you to the Heartland Staff. We wouldn’t be where we are now if it weren’t for your hard work and vision for the organization.
effective August 5, 2021
In compliance with State and county issued updates, everyone must wear a mask inside ‘walk in’ concession stands and bathrooms.
Masks are not required outdoors at the complexes whether an individual has been vaccinated or not, however, it is worth considering wearing a mask in crowded outdoor settings and for activities with close contact with others who are not fully vaccinated.
Fully vaccinated people might choose to mask regardless of the level of transmission, particularly if they or someone in their household is immunocompromised or if someone in their household is unvaccinated.
Referee Corner
Who has the right to space on a soccer field?
Law 12 (Fouls and Misconduct) defines which offenses result in Direct Free Kick fouls. “A direct free kick is awarded if a player commits any of the following offenses against an opponent in a manner considered by the Referee to be careless, reckless or using excessive force:
-Impedes with Contact
There are more, but we are going to focus on Charges and Pushes this month.
The Law says that charging is a foul. In the Referee certification class instructors discuss what is a legal charge and what is an unlawful charge. The legal charge is explained as “shoulder to shoulder” with the intent of challenging for the ball. What if one of the players is bigger than the other player? Instructors stress that being bigger is not a foul if the challenge meets the requirements of shoulder to shoulder while challenging for the ball.
This can be difficult for fans to understand, especially when the bigger player wins the battle. The more challenging to understand is the scenario where one player is standing still (and in the path of the second player) and gets charged from behind. Is this a foul? Who would be the person called for the foul?
Every player has a right to space on the soccer field. And every player wants to claim space that gives them the best opportunity to advance the ball.
Let’s look at a couple of examples:
Example 1: The aggressive forward wants to get to the ball played by a teammate. The only thing between the forward and the ball is a defender. If the forward goes around the defender, it is a legal play. If the forward goes through the defender, the foul would be charging by the attacker. The defender has a right to his/her space on the field.
Example 2: The aggressive forward again wants to get to the ball played by a teammate. Again, the defender is between the forward and the ball. In this example, the defender moves into the path of the attacker with the intent of keeping the attacker from getting to the ball. The defender is not claiming a space on the field. Instead, they are moving into contested space with the goal of blocking the forward. In other words, they are playing the player, not the ball. This is impeding. If there is contact the restart is a direct free kick. If there is no contact, it is still a foul, but the restart would be an indirect free kick.
Soccer is a contact sport with many moving players at the same time. Did the defender hold his space on the field, or did they try to claim a new space that would deny the attacker the opportunity to play the ball? If the decision is impeding, it is the defender’s foul. But what about the situation where both impeding and charging took place at the same time?
The Law says that when two fouls occur simultaneously, the Referee should penalize the more serious of the fouls. I guess that our acceptance of the decision of the Referee would depend on whether we were cheering for the attacker or the defender. The Referee must make a judgement on which one was the more serious.
Understanding the Laws is exciting when you apply them to dynamic situations. Thank you for your continued interest in becoming more knowledgeable fans.
The Referee Blog
The Referee Shortage is real!... What can we all do to make our Referees grow into adults.
It is a fact that most Referees for Youth soccer matches are kids. Sixty-seven percent of the Referees registered in Kansas are under eighteen with the majority between 13 and 15 years old. They are adults in training. Think about the pressures of being a soccer Referee. Yes, the players may be younger than the Referee (sometimes not by much), but the coaches and the fans are definitely older which puts more pressure on the Referees. I am sure that many of them feel like the Referee in this picture. This Referee must be confident to make a decision that might be unpopular with the player. What thoughts go through the minds of our young Referees? I want to share what a young woman wrote for a college entrance essay. It is much more than a part time job. It is training for becoming an adult.
Being a soccer referee is one of the most valuable job experiences I’ve ever had, even if it’s one of the hardest. The reason might be surprising – refereeing is terrifying. The first time I stepped out on the field, I was 14 and I wanted to run away: far, far away from the players and especially the adults. The parents, many of whom are cultured professionals practicing law and medicine, are anything but when they line the sideline. They do not see a kid who happens to be a referee. They see an enemy whose decisions directly affect what they desperately want. Normal rules of culture and society do not apply. More than once, I’ve awakened one Saturday morning, dreading getting up and going. Never mind learning about the mechanics of a sport I love or having a job that demands fitness and intellect for very little pay. When refereeing, I am under strict scrutiny by over-protective parents, competitive players and coaches, and die-hard fans; I am the object of insult, the center of riots, the scapegoat and whipping boy.
Field 12 is a case study. It was a U13 girls’ game with one team from Maryland and the other from Virginia. The teams had a history; both were top-ranked and serious rivals. Their games were always close and physical. From the start the players were aggressive and as it progressed, they grew more and more reckless. Like always, the coaches were desperate to win, and the parents were loud and intense (It’s a joke among refs that parents in the DC area always take full advantage of the First Amendment).
Yet it was wonderful to watch. The skill of the players and the speed of the game were impressive. Unless you’re in the middle of it with a whistle. The score was tied 1-1 most of the game, but when there finally was another goal, the flag went up indicating that the scoring team had gained an unfair advantage by being offside. The goal had to be disallowed, and I had no doubt it was the correct decision. In a rational world, I would be praised for doing my job well under difficult circumstances, but soccer is not rational, even at this early age. I remember wanting the ground to swallow me whole. Parents, who were no doubt respectable and reserved almost anywhere else, were reduced to yelling at a girl one-third their age. Not just yelling, but hurling words with a vehemence and intensity that made even adult refs shake. “You’re an idiot!” said one man in a blue shirt. “Get a rule book!” screamed the mom in expensive jeans. “You need to be reported. You’re incompetent,” said a heavy-set guy who never got out of his chair.
It took me a while to get comfortable with this environment. But then I began to understand. As the center referee, I am the cop when I’m on the field. I’m responsible for the players’ safety, for keeping the game flowing, for making the right calls, and for watching out for my assistant referees. Ultimately, the parents, players, coaches–even the assistant referees–are helpless without my auspice. I’m not saying it’s gotten easier, but the lessons learned on the pitch – preparation, focus, confidence, and flexibility – will help me in college and throughout life. I would not trade any of it.
You cannot be a referee without confidence and without certainty that your preparation and study give you the authority and standing that will validate you and, more importantly, protect you. I didn’t back down when recalling that goal because I knew I was right, and all their screaming and swearing couldn’t change that. At the same time, soccer does not define me. It has taught me lessons that apply to life off the field, and it complements me. In the same way singing brings out my passion and volunteering shows my willingness to help others, soccer exemplifies my devotion and determination. I love soccer, but it is a window into the larger me, not the total me. That may be the best lesson of all.
Please think about this young woman’s story the next time your team plays at a Heartland event. We know that your primary focus will be how the Referee’s decisions affect the outcome for your team. Does the Referee have a different primary focus? They should be applying the Laws of the Game and maintaining a safe and fair playing experience for the players. If they make mistakes, and you have heard me say many times that they will, have your coach share this with the Field Marshals or the Referee Administrators on site. We will talk to the Referees and help them understand how to apply the Laws more effectively. And, when the Referee comes back the next week, the next season and the next year, with the goal of applying the lessons they learned on the pitch (preparation, focus, confidence, and flexibility) they will be better. When they become parents and take the role of the fans, they will have the knowledge and the empathy to help the next generation of soccer Referees deliver even more effective officiating.
We are all in this together. There isn’t one group that can solve the current Referee shortage. We must do it together as a soccer community. Fans - if you have concerns, talk to your coach. Coaches – if you have concerns talk to the field marshals or complete a Referee evaluation form so we can focus on the performance of those who worked your last match. Adults – become a Referee and help us grow the next season’s pool of Referees.
Heartland Referee Meetings
Referees of all ages and experience levels are encouraged to attend Heartland's monthly referee meetings! Join us to learn tips and tricks for ARs and Referees, fun games, vital information, and fabulous prizes! Parents are always welcome.
Get certified to be a referee!
As our local soccer community grows, the need for new and experienced referees continues. Join America's Largest Soccer League. More details on referee meeting schedules, training and education can be found on the
Q&A with Kylee
When did you start reffing? Spring of 2017
What made you decide to get certified to referee? I have been playing the sport and I wanted to learn even more about the sport from a referees perspective.
What is your favorite part about reffing? Getting to interact with new people but also talk to the parents and players.
What is a life lesson you feel you have learned from reffing? A life lesson I learned as a referee was you will mess up, but once you do, continue to try again and fix your mistake.
What level of referee to you aspire to be? I plan on continuing to ref at the competitive/rec level but in the future I hope to referee at the higher level.
Do you play soccer? Yes, I play soccer. I have been playing since I was four. I currently play soccer for KC Athletics in the fall, and Ray-Pec Highschool soccer in the spring. Over the summer I committed to play soccer at Culver - Stockton College and will start playing in the fall of 2022.
Do you participate in any sports/activities? I participate in the Missouri A+ program where I tutor students throughout the week. I am currently helping a Kindergarten classroom at a local school in my community. During the week I work at a community center as the fitness attendant, and I also teach a kids fitness class as well.
What was the last book you read? I read the book Five Feet Apart. It is about two patients living with cystic fibrosis and the connections they have together. I enjoyed this book because it teaches about empathy.
What types of movies do you like? I like any type of movies, but I tend to want to watch suspenseful movies and sports movies that are based on true stories. The last movie I saw was Remember The Titans. My favorite part of the movie was when the team came together and supported one another during a time that could easily have divided them. They pushed through tough times but came together and won as a team.
What is your favorite sports team? My favorite sports team is any team in the Kansas City Area.
Keeper Wars Return to Kansas!
Olathe, KS (September 30, 2021) – We are proud to announce that the Kansas Youth Soccer continues its partnership with Keeper Wars Ink, to bring back Americas 1v1 Goalkeeper Competition to Kansas for another year! The partnership will bring two sites for the competition to Kansas in the areas of Kansas City and Wichita, the two most populous amounts for youth soccer players in the state. The events will officially be the following dates below:
KC Keeper Wars 2021 City Tour
Dates: November 13-14, 2021
Location: Compass Minerals Sporting Fields - Kansas City, KS
1500 N 90th St Kansas City, KS
This event does take place in conjunction with the Fall State Tournaments also being held that weekend.
Keeper Wars 2021- Wichita
Dates: December 4-5, 2021
Location: Stryker Sports Complex - Wichita, KS
Indoor Facility
2999 N Greenwich Rd Wichita, KS 67226
Registration Deadline: November 21st, 2021
Register Now for Centers of Excellence!
The goal of our Centers of Excellence training is to create a fun and challenging environment that helps develop and identify creative young soccer players for the Kansas Youth Soccer Olympic Development Program. We want to help create a passion and love of the game in the players we work with. We emphasize developing the complete player in all 4 pillars of the game including technical, tactical, physical and psychological components of the game.
Our Centers of Excellence trainings offer something different because our licensed coaches are innovative in their training techniques and foster playing environments for developing soccer players. Our goal is to provide a great soccer experience emphasizing learning in a creative, fun and challenging environment where players have the opportunity to develop both as soccer players and as individuals.
We want our participants to improve, have fun, make friends, and look upon their time playing soccer as a positive period in their lives. We accept players of all levels as we have the staff with the knowledge and ability to coach at all levels.
City Locations: Dodge City, Garden City, Kansas City, Salina, & Wichita
Costs: $130.00 for Six (6) Indoor Winter Sessions
Boys & Girls Birth Years: 2013, 2012, 2011
Players receive a training T-Shirt to be worn at trainings!
Registration Deadline: November 7, 2021
US Soccer Coaching Courses Coming This Winter!
Kansas Youth Soccer Coaching Education Department is offering multiple coaching courses this winter for soccer coaches to get more education to better their players on the field. Don’t miss out on these opportunities to expand your soccer knowledge during the off season and be a better coach come the Spring season.
To see what coaching courses are coming up please CLICK HERE.
Questions on Coaching Education please contact Kansas Youth Soccer Director of Coaching
Hasty Awards Named Official Award Supplier of
Kansas Youth Soccer
Olathe, KS (Wednesday October 13, 2021) – We are proud to announce that Kansas State Youth Soccer Association (KSYSA) has partnered with Hasty Awards to be the Official Award Supplier of Kansas Youth Soccer. Under the partnership agreement Hasty Awards will provide all awards and medals for the Kansas State Tournaments including Kansas State Cup, Kansas Presidents Cup and Kansas Junior State Cup.
“Kansas Youth Soccer is thrilled to partner with Hasty Awards! Hasty Awards is a Kansas Company that has a long reputation of providing quality products and customer service” said Joe Burger, Executive Director of Kansas Youth Soccer. “Being a Kansas based business, Hasty Awards was a natural fit for us to have a long term relationship. We look forward to working with Hasty Awards to help us create and put on first class events. Their expertise will supplement our ability to improve the player/member experience.”
Under the multi-year agreement:
Hasty Awards will sponsor a Kansas ODP Player of the Month recognition on KSYSA social media channels to recognize our State Pool Players
KSYSA members that order from Hasty Awards receive a free banner on 2021/2022 playing season initial order. Banner sizes can be 3x5’, 4x6’, or 4x8’ upon call or email order inquiries. (Not available online and must mention the banner when ordering)
Hasty Awards will provide all the awards for the Awards Gala that Kansas Youth Soccer hopes to host again in person sometime during 2022.
Hasty Awards will have the ability to display and sampling of Hasty Awards products will also be at select Kansas Youth Soccer (State Tournament’s and ODP Events) and other partner events when available.
KSYSA will make introductions to Hasty Awards to other Youth Sport Organizations, USYS State Associations, and KSYSA Member Clubs
AB May
Academy Sports and Outdoors
AC Print
Barley's Kitchen and Tap
BFAME KC Entertainment
Capelli Sport
Commercial Capital
Dick's Sporting Goods
Drs. Hawks, Besler, Rogers & Stoppel
Discount Tire
Easton Roofing
Hasty Awards
HCA Midwest Health
Jersey Boyz Deli & Subs
Jimmy John's
Kansas City Comets
K.C. Hopps
Krusich Dental
Land of Paws
Levine Advertising
Menorah Medical Center
Molle Toyota
Momo Bands
Museum at Prairiefire
Orange Leaf Frozen Yogurt
Overland Park Regional Medical Center
Papa John's
Pittcraft Printing
Raising Cane's
Rob Ellerman and
Reece Nichols Real Estate
Research Medical Center
Salty Iguana
Security Bank
Slim Chickens
Soccer Master
Sporting Kansas City
Sporting Kansas City II
Starting Point Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics
State Farm-Harlan Parker
Taco Bell
The Merchant Fitness
The Rub Bar-B-Que
The Sheridan at Overland Park
Trace (Alpine Replay, Inc.)
Tropical Smoothie Cafe
TW Sportswear + Print, Ship & Signs
Urban Air
Heartland Soccer Association is seeking action photo shots of kids of all ages and abilities playing soccer in Heartland League Games or Tournaments. Submitted photos may be included in Heartland Tournament, League and other promotional materials as well as social media posts.
Instructions for submitting photos:
All submitted photo files must be .jpg format, must be a minimum of 1,200 x 1,600 pixels, and no larger than 2 MB in size. Submitting a photo doesn't guarantee that it will be used.
By submitting a photo for consideration for use in Heartland Soccer Association promotional materials, you agree that:
1. You are the sole author of the photograph and control all rights for its use. The photograph is original. You have the rights to grant usage of the photograph as stated below. There has been no prior sale, publication or transfer of rights to the photograph. The photograph shall not contain any libelous or scandalous matter. To the best of your knowledge, the photograph's creation, publication and use shall not infringe any copyright, right of privacy or right of publicity, or infringe or violate any right of any third party.
2. You grant to Heartland Soccer Association all rights to use the photograph in any and all forms of media, including but not limited to electronic, digital media and print.
3. You allow Heartland Soccer Association the right to edit, revise, adapt and crop the photo as necessary.
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