Powered By The Merchant Fitness
GARMIN Olathe Soccer Complex
September 24-26, 2021
Registration Ends:
August 30, 2021
Upcoming Events
Aug 5 Fall Heartland League Schedules Posted
Aug 6-8 Heartland Open Cup
Aug 13-15 1st Weekend League Play
Aug 13-16 Dick's Sporting Good's Shop Event
Aug 20-22 Fall Kick Off Challenge
Aug 20-22 League play
Aug 27-29 League play
Sep 3-5 Heartland Midwest Classic Presented by Prairiefire
Sep 10-12 League play
Sep 17-19 League play
Sep 24-26 Midwest All Boys Tournament Powered by The Merchant Fitness
Sep 24-26 League play
Oct 1-3 Midwest All Girls Fueled by Tohi
Oct 1-3 League play
Oct 8-10 League play
Oct 15-17 League play
Oct 22-24 League play
Oct 29-31 Rainout Weekend
Nov 5-7 Heartland Invitational Girls
Nov 12-14 Heartland Invitational Boys
Fueled by Tohi
SCHEELS Overland Park Soccer Complex
GARMIN Olathe Soccer Complex
October 1-3, 2021
Registration Ends:
September 6, 2021
effective August 5, 2021
In compliance with State and county issued updates, everyone must wear a mask inside ‘walk in’ concession stands and bathrooms.
Masks are not required outdoors at the complexes whether an individual has been vaccinated or not, however, it is worth considering wearing a mask in crowded outdoor settings and for activities with close contact with others who are not fully vaccinated.
Fully vaccinated people might choose to mask regardless of the level of transmission, particularly if they or someone in their household is immunocompromised or if someone in their household is unvaccinated.
Heartland Invitational Tournament
The Heartland Invitational continues its reputation as the biggest and best tournament in the Kansas City area. Split over two weekends (Girls weekend and Boys weekend) to accommodate the number of teams wanting a chance to compete one last time. Every year up to 800 teams from throughout the central United States travel to compete in this end of year showdown. Our access to additional fields allows us to accommodate the many teams looking for a competitive season finale.
Girls Weekend
Nov 5 - 7, 2021
Registration Deadline:
October 4, 2021
Boys Weekend
Nov 12 - 14, 2021
Registration Deadline:
October 11, 2021
Referee Corner
The Referee Corner: Offside revisited again …
The Fall season is beginning. Players will take the field to showcase their skills and to execute the tactics their coaches have worked with them on in practices. Fans will also be there to assist the officials by sharing their opinions on decisions. We anticipate that the officials will hear “handball” multiple times in every match. And there will also be calls for and complaints about Offside decisions. Let’s start out this season with a primer on what the Laws of the Game say is needed for an Offside call.
I watched the US Women’s team versus the Netherlands in the Olympics. There were four offside decisions that erased goals. An interesting factoid: the announcers were comparing the number of goals scored by the US (8) against the number of goals disallowed for Offside infractions (7). When Alex Morgan’s extra time effort was called offside, the announcers were exasperated. If people who play at the highest levels and announcers who played get frustrated, I can imagine what it is like for those of us at Heartland. Remember, some of these decisions affected the outcome of the match. So, let’s review what the Law says about offside.
The Law (Law 11) has 3 requirements for an Offside infraction:
Position: Position is defined as being closer to the goal line than the second to the last defender or the ball. Remember, it is not against the Law to be in an offside position. And the second to the last defender can change. An important skill for an official is the ability to count to 2.
Timing of teammate’s touch. Offside can only occur when the last touch on the ball is made by a teammate. This means that if a defender plays the ball there is no offside.
Active involvement is an area where the officiating team needs to consider dynamic factors before making an offside decision. The Law says there are 3 types of active involvement:
Interfering with play: This could be as simple as going after a teammate’s pass while in an offside position.
Interfering with a player: A good example of this would be blocking the vision of the goalkeeper so they can’t see or save a shot made by a teammate.
Seeking to gain an advantage by being in an offside position: A teammate shoots on goal. The ball bounces off the goal post or off the goalkeeper or a defender who is making a save (stops the ball but does not get control of the ball) and goes to the attacker who is closer to the goal line than the second to the last defender or the ball when the ball was shot. If the attacker touches the ball, they should be ruled offside.
When these 3 conditions are met there is an OFFSIDE VIOLATION. If any one of the three conditions is missing, there is no infraction and play should continue.
This is a lot of variable information for a soccer official to process in a short period of time. Every time the ball is touched, the officials must reset their minds and once again consider all three of the above conditions. The most important thing we stress in the certification and mentoring process is the Assistant Referee’s position. It has to be with the second to the last defender or ball, whichever is closer to the goal line. Consider the following picture from the Champions League:
The Assistant Referee is even with the second last defender; however, the ball is the determiner of offside because it is closer to the goal line than the second to the last defender. The decisions now are:
Does the player with the ball shoot on goal? If so, there is no offside infraction because the player is behind the ball.
Does the player with the ball pass the ball to their teammate? If they do, is the teammate behind the ball or are they in front of the ball with a part of the body they can use to legally score a goal? In this picture the teammate’s foot is closer to the goal line than the ball so a pass should result in an offside infraction. Simple, isn’t it?
Thank you for giving us the opportunity to be a part of your game. We hope that our decisions are not as close as the one in this picture. We thank you for your support this Fall.
The Referee Blog
Sideline behavior – Freedom of expression affects more than just you:
The Fall season will be starting soon. The sidelines will be full of fans. The freedom to express your passion will be there, and like every season we will see a full range of expressions from the sidelines. Let’s look at the effects of our behaviors. Remember, we are there to enjoy the beautiful game and watch young men and women develop life skills that will be with them forever.
The cartoon is not the typical sideline behavior; however, this kind of behavior does happen and sometimes more than we think. When you see the fans acting in this way, what thoughts come to mind? I guess it depends on your perspective. Let’s explore how this behavior could affect others – the players, the coaches, your fellow fans, and the Referees.
The Players: Most of us have had the pleasure of watching our kids play soccer. We know what game day can bring. On the way to the complex the optimism is high. Another match. Another chance to play and hopefully to win. We don’t think about the life lessons and skills when we are in the heat of competition. What about the trip home? If things went well on the pitch, the ride home is a chance to relive success. If things didn’t go so well, it could be a chance to reflect on what to do different the next time.
What do you think it could be like for the player whose parents complained throughout the entire match? Will the ride home focus on the player’s execution and efforts during the match? Will the focus be on celebrating successes and exploring how to get better? Or will the life lessons focus on how everyone else is to blame for the results? The calls by the Referee team, the decisions by the coach, or the play of the teammates could all be topics of discussion. The result – blaming others is not the life lessons that build stronger adults.
The Coaches: What should the bottom line be when coaches think about their teams’ performance in a match? I have talked with many of the Heartland coaches and the number one consideration by those coaches I respect is: did the players get better because of practices and their efforts in the match? These coaches understand that this is what growth looks like. Helping the players to get better (which could be the result of concentration, efforts, skills, teamwork, passing or just not giving up) is why they coach.
There are some coaches who look at the game from a binary point of view. Either their team wins, or their team loses. There is nothing wrong with this focus; however, if the reason for not winning is because of a decision that didn’t go their way or a mistake by player and they highlight only that one thing, what are they teaching? Again, blaming others in not the life lessons that builds stronger adults.
Your fellow fans: Freedom of expression from the sidelines can incite your fellow fans to cheer or to complain. How many times have you seen a sideline explode in cheers when someone scores or makes a special pass, or the goalkeeper makes a brilliant save? How many times have you seen the sideline explode negatively when the decision goes against their team?
Last Spring, I talked to a Referee at half-time to find out how the match was going from the Referee’s perspective. The Referee said he was getting upset at the one parent that complained about every call. I went and talked to that parent (to their credit they were models of good behavior in the second half) and asked for their cooperation. On the way back to the Referee shack another parent came up and said that this parent was an embarrassment to the whole team every week. Yes, you can affect the other fans.
The Referees: It isn’t an easy job to be a part of the Referee crew when freedom of expression from the sidelines results in complaints. Being in the right position to see the play, understanding the Laws of the Game on what is and isn’t legal, and then applying what you see is a big responsibility. The Referees want to do what is right for the game. When they are constantly challenged their ability to officiate is affected. Some make the decision to quit. This is not good for soccer in Kansas.
There is a lot of discussion about what freedom is in the US today. We have the right to make the decisions we want to make for ourselves. But our decisions also affect others. I can decide to have a positive outlook or a negative one. I can decide to cheer or to complain from the sidelines. Remember, your decision in expression effects more than just you.
Heartland Referee Meetings
2021 Dates Coming Soon!
Referees of all ages and experience levels are encouraged to attend Heartland's monthly referee meetings! Join us to learn tips and tricks for ARs and Referees, fun games, vital information, and fabulous prizes! Parents are always welcome.
Get certified to be a referee!
As our local soccer community grows, the need for new and experienced referees continues. Join America's Largest Soccer League. More details on referee meeting schedules, training and education can be found on the
Spring League Awards Nights Gallery!
When did you start reffing? I started reffing as soon as I turned 12 in 2017
What made you decide to get certified to referee? I enjoyed the game and wanted to learn the more technical side of the sport along with being able to understand the game at a higher level.
What is your favorite part about reffing? My favorite part about reffing is the people you meet while doing it and being able to spend time when I am not playing still enjoying the game.
What is a life lesson you feel you have learned from reffing? A life lesson I have learned from reffing is how to be confident and back my decisions and opinions upon criticism.
When did you start reffing Futsal? I started reffing futsal in 2020. My favorite part about reffing futsal is the change of pace from outdoor.
What level of referee to you aspire to be? I aspire to become a Regional referee.
Do you play soccer?I play soccer for Sporting Blue Valley and Olathe North High School. I have played for about 8 years.
Do you participate in any sports/activities? I am involved in the feminist club at Olathe North and I enjoy learning and teaching others about different experiences and effects on different groups of people.
Do you have another job? Besides reffing, I am a recreational field marshal for Sporting Blue Valley, where I moderate, teach, and sometimes ref for the SBV Rec program.
What was the last book you read? The last book I read was The Lord of the Flies. It is about a group of boys evacuating from their school in Britain to avoid the war, when they crash land on an island. They must rely on each other to survive, but the situation leads them to revert back to survival instincts leading to multiple issues.
What types of movies do you like? I enjoy comedy movies. The movie I watched most recently is Grown Ups. My favorite part of that movie is the water park scenes.
What is your favorite sports team? My favorite sports teams are Sporting KC, Manchester United, Swansea City, and the KC Chiefs.
The 2021-2022 Fall State Tournaments will be played at Compass Minerals Sporting Fields over two weekends.
The first weekend will be Group Play Games from November 12-14th, 2021. The second weekend will be Semifinals & Finals from November 19-21st, 2021.
Registration Deadline – September 27th, 2021
17U Boys: OP Academy 04 – Midwest Presidents Cup FINALIST
14U Girls: Sporting BV Showcase 07 – Midwest Presidents Cup FINALIST
16U Boys: Kansas Rush Wichita Academy 05 – Midwest Presidents Cup CHAMPIONS
13U Girls: Sporting BV Wales 09 – Midwest Presidents Cup CHAMPIONSLink
15U Boys: KC Athletics Academy Elite 06 Galacticos – Midwest Regional FINALIST
16U Girls: Kansas Rush Academy 04 – Midwest Regional FINALIST
14U Boys: Toca FC 2007 MLS – Midwest Regional CHAMPIONS
Congratulations to Sporting Blue Valley Wales 09 for being crowned 2021 National Presidents Cup Champions for the 13U Girls Division! Here is how their journey went to be crowned National Presidents Cup Champions.
At Kansas Presidents Cup SBV Wales 09 won the group going 3-0-0 for a total of 9 points. They scored a total of 5 goals and the strong defense didn’t allow a single goal against them.
During Midwest Presidents Cup SBV Wales 09 won Group D for the age group to advance to the Semifinals. In the Semifinals they won the game 1-0 over Ohio North to advance to the Regional Final. They faced a tough Missouri team in the Final but prevailed with another 1-0 result to be able to go to Nationals! SBV Wales 09 leaves regionals with 6 goals scored and again the defense didn’t allow a single goal against them with Goalkeeper Peyton Gillis recording her 8th Shutout throughout the event so far.
During the National Presidents Cup SBV Wales 09 came on top of the group with 2-0-1 record with a total of 7 points. The offense coming away with 8 goals for and only allowing 5 goals against which were the very first goals they allowed during the entire Presidents Cup event. In the National Final they played a Pennsylvania West team that they played earlier in group play which was a close 3-2 victory. In the Final Goalkeeper Peyton Gillis and the defense were on their best performance as they held the PA West team to a shutout and the offense was able to give SBV Wales 09 the win with goals by Teegan Vietti (22nd Minute) and Olivia Mcgaugh (57th minute).
Congratulations to Kansas Rush Wichita Academy 05 for finishing 3rd at the 2021 National Presidents Cup event in Des Moines, Iowa. Here is how their journey went to get there.
At Kansas Presidents Cup the team won Group B to advance to the State Final with a record of 3-0-0 scoring 7 goals for and only allowing 2 goals against. In the State Final to determine a winner the game had to go down to penalty kicks where KRW would prevail.
During Midwest Presidents Cup KRW Academy 05 won Group B for the age group to advance to the Semifinals. In the Semifinals they won the game 2-0 over Michigan to advance to the Regional Final. They faced a tough Missouri team in the Final but prevailed with a 2-0 result to be able to go to Nationals! KRW leaves regionals with 9 goals scored and only allowing 1 goal against them with Goalkeeper Taylor Mchugh recording her 5th Shutout throughout the event so far.
During the National Presidents Cup 1-2-0 To finish 3rd in the Group at the event. This teams achievements were one to celebrate for having come so far in the event. Although not the outcome the team had hoped for, the experience just motivated them more to achieve future success in their youth soccer careers. Congrats Kansas Rush Wichita Academy 05 on a great season!
Olathe, KS (Thursday August 5, 2021) – Kansas State Youth Soccer Association (KSYSA) along with SafeDefend, LLC, the nation’s leading provider of comprehensive crisis management solutions, in collaboration with #NotYourDaughter, an advocacy organization focused on protecting children from predatory behavior. The collaboration will provide comprehensive training for Board of Directors, Club Directors, Administrators, Coaches, Managers, Parents and Players to better understand appropriate adult/youth relationships.
AB May
Academy Sports and Outdoors
AC Print
Barley's Kitchen and Tap
BFAME KC Entertainment
Capelli Sport
Commercial Capital
Dick's Sporting Goods
Drs. Hawks, Besler, Rogers & Stoppel
Discount Tire
Easton Roofing
Hasty Awards
HCA Midwest Health
Jersey Boyz Deli & Subs
Jimmy John's
Kansas City Comets
K.C. Hopps
Krusich Dental
Land of Paws
Levine Advertising
Menorah Medical Center
Molle Toyota
Momo Bands
Museum at Prairiefire
Orange Leaf Frozen Yogurt
Overland Park Regional Medical Center
Papa John's
Pittcraft Printing
Raising Cane's
Rob Ellerman and
Reece Nichols Real Estate
Research Medical Center
Salty Iguana
Security Bank
Slim Chickens
Soccer Master
Sporting Kansas City
Sporting Kansas City II
Starting Point Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics
State Farm-Harlan Parker
Taco Bell
The Merchant Fitness
The Rub Bar-B-Que
The Sheridan at Overland Park
Tropical Smoothie Cafe
TW Sportswear + Print, Ship & Signs
Urban Air
Heartland Soccer Association is seeking action photo shots of kids of all ages and abilities playing soccer in Heartland League Games or Tournaments. Submitted photos may be included in Heartland Tournament, League and other promotional materials as well as social media posts.
Instructions for submitting photos:
All submitted photo files must be .jpg format, must be a minimum of 1,200 x 1,600 pixels, and no larger than 2 MB in size. Submitting a photo doesn't guarantee that it will be used.
By submitting a photo for consideration for use in Heartland Soccer Association promotional materials, you agree that:
1. You are the sole author of the photograph and control all rights for its use. The photograph is original. You have the rights to grant usage of the photograph as stated below. There has been no prior sale, publication or transfer of rights to the photograph. The photograph shall not contain any libelous or scandalous matter. To the best of your knowledge, the photograph's creation, publication and use shall not infringe any copyright, right of privacy or right of publicity, or infringe or violate any right of any third party.
2. You grant to Heartland Soccer Association all rights to use the photograph in any and all forms of media, including but not limited to electronic, digital media and print.
3. You allow Heartland Soccer Association the right to edit, revise, adapt and crop the photo as necessary.
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