Referee FAQ

I'm not receiving pay sheet emails.

Pay sheets are sent on the Thursday before the pay date. The email will come from [email protected]. This address will never send marketing emails. However an unsubscribe link is included anyway. If you unsubscribe from pay sheet emails you can email us or enter your email in this form.

Suppression Removal

If you unsubscribed from Referee Pay Sheet emails you can check for and remove the block with the form below.

Enter your email address to check the suppression list.

Review the specifics of the new U.S. Soccer policy which goes into effect in March 2025
What is minimum age to become a referee?
You must be at least 12 years of age and certified through the State Referee Association.
Why do I have to be a certified referee to work for Heartland?
Heartland Soccer Association as a member of KSYSA, USYSA and US Soccer Federation is required to use only currently certified referees for all games scheduled through the referee assignor.
How do I become a referee with Heartland Soccer?
  1. Get certified. For information on certification go to
  2. Fill out the Heartland Soccer referee availability form online at
  3. Print, fill out and turn in referee paperwork to the Heartland office located at

**Please note that USSF is the national referee certification organization and any correspondence that you receive from USSF or USSoccer is separate and independent from Heartland Soccer Association. To receive assignments from Heartland Soccer Association you must complete steps 1-3.

How can I contact the Referee Assignor?
You can e-mail [email protected].
How do I sign up to become a certified referee?
To become a certified referee, please use the following link:
What is a Heartland referee ID number?
Every referee that applies to work games for Heartland is assigned a unique number that will be associated with that person. This number is to be used on all Heartland game cards for identification.
Who is the Referee Assignor for Heartland Soccer Association?
The current Referee Assignor is Huw Savage. He can be reached by email at [email protected].
How do I obtain my Heartland ID number?
The referee assignor has a list of referee ID numbers at the park. You can call us at (913) 888-8768 between the hours of 10am – 3pm or e-mail us anytime at [email protected], and we can look it up for you.
How do I know the amount that will be deposited into my account?

You should receive an automated email on the Thursday before the pay date that gives you a detailed pay sheet. The email will come from [email protected]. This address will never send marketing emails. However an unsubscribe link is included anyway. If you unsubscribe from pay sheet emails you can email us or enter your email in this form.

Suppression Removal

If you unsubscribed from Referee Pay Sheet emails you can check for and remove the block with the form below.

Enter your email address to check the suppression list.

I am missing my referee game pay.
You must work with the Heartland office regarding any pay issues. Field Managers and the Referee Assignor are not involved in handling referee pay. Email [email protected] if you have a referee pay problem.
I want to file a comment and/or complaint (coach/referee/office/field marshals etc.).
You can submit comments at any time online under the ‘Contact > League Office’ tab. Click Here to be redirected to this page.
How often are referees paid?
Every two weeks of league games scheduled. Pay dates are listed on the following pages:

How do I find out if games are canceled due to weather?

Call the Heartland Rainout line at 913-307-3684 or on the Field conditions page of this website.

When are referee schedules available?
The Heartland Referee Assignor will email you with your schedule.