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In the News: Heartland Boosts Branding Through Youth Soccer

As seen in July's Kansas City Sports & Fitness Magazine (kcsportspaper.com) Heartland Boosts Branding Through Youth Soccer By MARC BOWMAN, Contributing Writer The youth soccer explosion has given thousands of area kids a chance to play the sport, and has also been...

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Protecting Kids from Heat Illness

Our bodies create a tremendous amount of heat. Normally, they're cooled through sweating and by heat radiating through the skin. But in very hot weather, high humidity and other conditions, this natural cooling system may begin to fail, letting heat in the body build...

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Sports Internship Programs For Students

Heartland Soccer Association Announces Internship Program Kansas City, KS - July 6th- Heartland Soccer Association, America’s largest youth soccer league, announced the Sports Management and Marketing Internship Program.  This program was created to provide...

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Join Us for Heartland 5k Run

  HEARTLAND SOCCER ASSOCATION’S INAUGURAL 5K RUN Please join Heartland Soccer Association for our first annual 5K run!  The proceeds from this event will go toward the promotion of youth soccer and healthy kids initiatives.   Adults and kids alike can run or walk...

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Overuse Injuries in Young Athletes

Did you know young athletes are prone to overuse injuries because of their growing bodies? As more young athletes focus on intense, repetitive and specialized training, their bone growth outpaces their muscle growth. Our Sports Medicine Expert Dan Gurley, MD, College...

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Health Tip: Mental Toughness is Brain Power for Sports

It is easy to play mind games when you play sports. No matter how much you practice, you always have to contend with your greatest enemy: the mind that asks "what if?" What if rather than chipping onto the green, you duff and send the ball into the water in front of...

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September 2024