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Female Athlete Triad from HCA Midwest Health

Exercise is part of a balanced, healthy lifestyle and sports can be an excellent form of exercise. Kids and teens who play sports are healthier; get better grades; and are less likely to experience depression, use alcohol and drugs. But some young girls who play...

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Strength Training for Everyone

Since Arnold Schwarzenegger flaunted his bulging biceps and quads in the 1977 docudrama "Pumping Iron," the rule of thigh (if not thumb) has been that to get strong you need to lift weights that are uber-heavy – or collapse trying. Well, we have a new mantra: Pump...

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Common Cold vs. The Flu from HCA Midwest Health

Flu Symptoms The flu is different from a cold. The flu usually comes on suddenly. According to the CDC, people who have the flu often feel some or all of these symptoms: Fever* or feeling feverish/chills Cough Sore throat Runny or stuffy nose Muscle or body aches...

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Don’t Let the Flu put you on the sidelines

Influenza, or flu, can easily turn serious or even deadly. Those most at risk for complications include older adults, children and people with chronic health conditions. The best way to prevent a case of the flu is a yearly influenza vaccine, or flu shot. What is a...

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5 Ways to Prepare for Your Sports Season

If you've ever played competitive sports, you know starting a new season means a lot of hard work and practice. (It's a good thing sports are fun.) It's also normal to feel a little nervous about starting, especially if this is your first season. Here are a few ways...

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Check the Score on Kids and Sports Related Injuries

You’re in the stands cheering. There’s a whistle – and it’s your son or daughter on the ground or court surrounded by concerned-looking coaches and teammates. You start breathing again when you see your child stand up, wave to you and seemingly take the blow in...

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July 2024