Please join Heartland Soccer Association as we present our first annual, Rock the Runway Fashion Show 2017! We are excited to be working with several local retailers to present fashion from casual to formal wear, as well as athletic looks to keep you in style during the soccer season.
Our soccer players and coaches are the stars! We will be using our kids and coaches to walk our runway and we need YOU! If you are a referee, player, coach, staff member, board member, team manager, or in any way affiliated with soccer at any level and all ages, we would love to have you be a part of our show. Stay tuned for more details and the website to sign up so you can Rock The Runway!
When: Sunday, October 29th, 2017
Time: Two shows – 3:00 pm and 7:00 pm. We will soon be sending an email with a link to purchase tickets.
Where: Ritz Charles: 9000 W 137th St. Overland Park, KS 66221
What: Heartland Soccer Association’s First Annual Fashion Show to benefit youth soccer and promoting healthy athletes
Details: Each event will be approximately 1.5 hours to include: The Fashion Show, time to browse and enjoy the fabulous vendors selling various merchandise, indulge in a variety of goodies provided by the Ritz Charles and grab a refreshing beverage from the cash bar.
This will be a fun event for all to enjoy so SAVE THE DATE and join us. We look forward to Rocking the Runway with you on October 29th, 2017!
Purchase tickets now at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/heartland-soccer-associations-rock-the-runway-fashion-show-2017-tickets-36278456841